This Is Private Stock
Private Stock represents the highest quality of materials, the most personally crafted instruments, and the greatest level of customization available from PRS. Whether you choose a Limited Edition instrument or a Built to Order guitar, every Private Stock is conceived and built with a "one-off" mentality. Through this program, we strive to deliver heirloom-quality, musical instruments.
"There's something magic about guitars because they are simultaneously musical instruments, pieces of art, tools to joyfully spend time with, and treasured possessions. The goal of Private Stock is not only to create the most beautiful and best-playing guitar money can buy, but the best sounding. If you decide on a Private Stock guitar, we will give everything we have to make it the best instrument you’ve ever experienced.”

“I love being a guitar maker because I get to be a designer, painter, and sculptor. Every day I collaborate with people who share the same passion for craft, and we challenge each other to find the ideal balance between form and function. We always test ourselves against the past while looking ahead for new possibilities.”
– Paul Miles, Director of Private Stock